Sunday 30 December 2007

The Right Kind of Soft

One of my personal quirks, being a lunatic by nature as well as nurture, is that I am slightly obsessive about soft things. Not just any old soft things, however. They must be The Right Kind of Soft: so smooth and fluffy under the fingers that one might be stroking a cloud.

It can all be traced back, I suspect, to the fact that when I was a Small Sarah, many moons ago, I sucked my thumb while grasping Hankie, one of my dad's old handkerchiefs that I rubbed between my fingers until it was as soft as soft can be. Slowly but surely, of course, I would whittle away the fabric until all that was left was a sad little scrap.

My poor parents dreaded the day when they could no longer put off Hankie Substitution, because they faced histrionics and heart-wrending grief until my busy little fingers were able to create a suitably soft area on The Imposter.

I did thumb-sucking obsessively, too, finally allowing my nearest and dearest to coax me out of the habit at about the age of 13, when my teeth had bored such a nightly hole in the top of my thumb that I sported a permanent tooth-wound almost reaching the bone.

Interestingly, I was a smoker within about a year. Oral personality, perhaps?

The upshot of this sweet little story is that my very favourite present this year was not the hugely expensive camera or the drool-inducing Battlestar Galactica box set. It's a 3-inch tall wolf finger puppet with irresistible fur.


Inexplicable DeVice said...

What are you saying? That you're cheap and easy to please?

No, that can't be it - You're such a nice young lady.


WillowC said...

Got it in one!

And also that I enjoy a good fiddle.

Tim said...

Tee-hee - you said "cheap," "easy," and "fiddle!"

WillowC said...

Tim's a nice young lady too.

Tim said...

Only on special occasions.

Do the Lambrini!

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Lambrini girls like to have fun!

However, sometimes the fun they have can be quite shockingle...

Amanda said...

and you will be sending him in my care package?

WillowC said...
