Friday 7 December 2007

Heaven help us all

I just saw on Friday Night with Jonathon Ross that the Scots have spent £125,000 on a new advertising campaign to attract tourists to the country. Something to welcome visitors to the vibrant, modern Scotland and make it a visit they will never forget.

They came up with:

Welcome to Scotland

Words fail me.


Anonymous said...

didn't anyone ever tell ya simple is the hardest thing to achieve? it speaks volumes.

WillowC said...

But...but...but...£125k! I could have spent that so much better!

Miladysa said...


I missed that one! £125K?!

WillowC said...

Yes!! We used to laugh at people in advertising because they clearly spend their lives wafting around Thinking Rooms and vying for time on The Unhappy Beanbag, but I guess this just goes to show: I'm in the wrong business!

Anonymous said...

Can't help feeling a bit of national pride there, i love that feeling of "wayhay!"-ing and backing up something completely stupid, just because it's amusing and Scottish.

WillowC said...

You'd have a whale of a time with my dad then, he's all three of those things LOL!!