I have a new celebrity crush, I can't help myself. I was feeling slightly wrong about it all the way through Prince Caspian this evening, because his character is about 12, but fortunately I have returned home to discover that Ben Barnes is 28 and therefore well above the level of sugar mommydom.
And may I take this opportunity to say: oh what a beautiful man. I can haz one pleez? I also really do think it ought to be obligatory for attractive men to wear suits of armour from time to time. Preferably in my presence.
I don't think Tim was too impressed with the movie, but then there's just no hope for someone who doesn't see the merit in a movie starring Eddie Izzard as a defiant mouse, is there?
I heard a whisper you fancied a MOUSE! :o
It's Eddie Izzard - I'd fancy him as a SLUG.
Dude, TMI.
Haha 12?
He is quite a hottie-AND I'm jealous you saw the movie! I looovvveeed the first one and I want to see Prince Caspian sooooo bad!!!
Have to agree with Eddie Izzard - Slug thing, although I will draw a line at earwig
Aslan: complacent old bastard.
Walking trees: f**king annoying cliche.
Prince Caspian: Shit movie.
That is all.
Nice ears on the dude on the left. Fetching!
I fancy him also, and worse than that, I have a soft spot for Peter, and I'm not brave enough to look up his true age....
I looked I looked! He is legal, but he's also a month younger than my brother, which is REALLY wrong!
I'm going to Pandah Hell....
ipandah: It's the armour, isn't it? I'm telling you, the armour makes the man!
W*P*D: You're just looking around for Mr McAvoy, I know your game.
Tim: Eddie IZZARD
Kitty: Good girl, I approve
Amanda: If you liked the first one, you might like it, but sadly Tim's criticisms stand!
I think you might need to pre-order the DVD...
So will I, for the armour porn!
I thought Aslan died.... I refused to watch the first one because of that.. was I WRONG???
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