...with the cinema. Having just come home from my third movie outing in (count 'em) eight days, this time with the lovely Loaf, it occurred to me I have something of an addiction to the cinema. Which doesn't actually surprise me - the only bit I found shocking was that I let it lie dormant for a long time and didn't often indulge - perhaps I just forgot how deep the feeling goes.
Those brave souls who have ventured to the talkies with me more than once understand I have a tendency to immediately declare when the credits roll that I've just watched the best thing in absolutely ever. Said opinion generally tones down gradually over the next hour, as the movie high wears off (except with this one, Wanted, which I have now seen twice and is totally my crack - it's movie porn, I love it), but for those first few minutes I'm high as a kite and thrilled to be alive.
It's the experience of the cinema itself that I adore. Every over-loud bang of the door, every exaggerated fall of a foot, every echoing shot of a gun sends adrenalin screaming through me. A stunning effect, a gorgeous scene, an incredible piece of acting: every perfect moment takes my breath away.
There's another reason I'm so easy to please. My life has always been about stories - reading them, writing them, watching them, playing them - and there's nothing I enjoy more than having the opportunity to utterly lose myself in one. I crave new stories, it's why I'm such an avid reader and my bedroom walls are almost literally made of books. And the cinema is the pinnacle of that feeling, the loudest, largest, most in-your-face example of storytelling there is.
My capacity to believe is so strong as to be almost childlike - and wilfully so. I think of it as a gift, one that allows me to completely enter the moment and become a part of it. A movie, for me, is an emotional rollercoaster.
So I seldom notice the flaws, at least not at the time. Things might dawn on me a little later, but not while I still have a foot in fantasy land. It takes a powerfully bad movie to prevent me from slipping into that trance and getting lost in the story - there have been a few, but I can usually find some enjoyment in what I'm watching.
Have I been profound enough to justify a third trip to see Wanted yet?
Ah Willow, you really do love every film. I think it's brilliant. Shows you are really positive and not emo at all!
Three times? Seriously?
Two words: Prince. Caspian.
*vomits over Eddie Izzard mouse*
I also love the actual cinema!
I get excited when it goes dark, and you hear those musical intros that you only get in the cinema! And there's that special stale popcorny smell too! And if I go to the toilet on the way out afterwards, I'm usually still excited from the film (hopefully) and always feel like I'm in whatever I've just seen!
Gosh I really must get back to the cinema, or get some help...
W*P*D - Yes three times, I can't get enough of it! It's better when you don't have to crane, you know...
Tim - Get off the Eddie mouse, very bad man!
ipandah - I love that smell too! And the slightly sticky floor and the blinking in the light at the end! I have 3 cinema trips planned this weekend: Hancock, Dark Knight then Wall-E, I really can't get enough!!
Oh and I might be off to see Wanted again next week...
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