I came across Cillian Murphy on Regent Street yesterday and have realised that, despite the earlier fuss I made, he actually doesn't look a bit like Tim. My bad.
I was on Regent Street, in case you are interested, having just had a meeting with the people who would like me to pen a book for them - which enterprise seems to be coming along nicely - and, before that, to get a haircut.
I fear haircuts. So much so that I have had only 4 this decade, and the first was an unmitigated disaster of epic shortness and chunks instead of layers that made me burst into tears. I left it so long this time, however, because I have placed my trust in a stylist at Hob Salon on Baker Street, who did such a stonking job of shearing me last time that I have since refused to go anywhere else.
Which is all very well, but the pleasure of her magic hands costs £65 a pop, so once again it's been far too long. But I am thrilled to pieces with the result, it feels much lighter and I can now do that swooshy thing they do on adverts as I walk down the street.
Which is precisely what I was up to when Mr Murphy wandered past. He's shorter than I expected and didn't look very happy.
The picture of my swanky new hair came about thanks to a cunning plan to make sure I have visual evidence of what was done to it, so that next time I face Selina she won't throw up her hands in despair and tell me I've left it so long she has no idea what she did last time. Spacker that I am, I was only able to mutter something like: "Uhhhh...spiky bits". It is also for Best Mate, who is my style guru and very knowledgable about these things.
Once I reached the other end of Regent Street - stopping halfway to pick up a new hair clip that I will now place in the box with all my other hair adornments and forget about completely - I met the always wonderful Lorna and Yaz and headed for the nearest cinema to see Wanted. At which point, I might add, it rained on me and ruined my hair completely.I won't comment on the movie itself, as I have plans to set up a movie review blog to bore you all with. The cinema, however, was a whole different kettle of cuttlefish. Two bored cashiers nearly made us late by processing the hundred metres of cinemagoers as slowly as they possibly could ("Luckily, there's not a queue," said Lorna) and then nobody told us there was another kiosk partway up the four - count 'em - escalators to our screen ("Luckily, we aren't running late," said Lorna) so we waited for a ridiculous amount of time to buy our popcorn ("Luckily, there's no queue here either," said Lorna) only to find it was £2.40 for a bottle of water. £2.40! For water! Made of what, putrified yak sweat? I really did love the movie though. And the girly time, that was marvellous. And James McAvoy, that was simply divine.
p.s. You have not quite completed your Willow reading for the day until you have nipped over to Kitty's blog by clicking here.
Well look at that gorgeous hair! I am scared each and every time I have to go in for a haircut, and I shamefully admit that I will let my hair get scraggly because I put it off so long. The last time I got my hair cut [December], it took me no less than 3 tries to get to the salon before I finally went in, and I cried afterwards. Not that it wasn't a charming cut, because it was, but it just seemed so short! Tears & haircuts go hand in hand with me.
Oh gawd I totally feel your pain, I hate it when it's shorter and your brush falls off the end too early, I feel bald!! It's a lot easier when you've found a hairdresser you trust, I promise - first time I've ever been excited to get it done! Are you a very-long-hair lover too?
Luckily the popcorn was so huge that I haven't had to eat for the rest of the weekend!
I have my haircut by The Lovely Nigel, I haven't been there since before Xmas and I know he is going to disapprove, now I am too scraed to go... Plus you can feed a small nation for the amount it costs to be sheared.
I'm glad we've put that Cillian Murphy thing to rest - I can now put my potato sack over my head and masquerade as the Scarecrow in peace.
I want your hair.
I"m so jealous of you! Not only have you lost a bunch of weight but you have hair! I recently cut allll of mine off....it's above my neck short...like longer in the front and stacked in the back. Jason hates it...he says he doesn't but I know we both miss my long hair. I think I need a wig
OOOOH Cillian! He so pretty.
As is your hair, girlfriend! To be camp for a second...
I love it! It looks SO healthy and lovely and I want to run my fingers through it! (the restraining order suddenly didnt seem so rash...)
Getting mine done on Weds but you already know the drill dont you?
1. me get excited
2. me get 'done'
3. me HATE and sulk and bore you stiff with RIDICULOUS amounts of angst
4. me likey when youre not looking :D
I would kill for hair like that.
*sighs about having hair more like Gollum's than Willowc's
W*P*D - Precisely, why get the split ends sorted when that money could be spent on beers?
Tim - I KNEW it!
Amanda - Noes! You have lovely hair already!
Vicious - You're not allowed it either, but you may dye mine various colours when I get over there!
Sylvie - Oh gawd :P And we all know I'm going to love it, too, and get glared at for saying so :P
iPandah - hello, welcome to Ninnyville!! As an introductory treat, I will be happy to offer the foot-long pile of hair that got cut off :D
Brilliant! :0)
Mmmmmm beer! I am going to start cutting my own hair and drinking more beer. Maybe not at the same time...
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