Does your life go through moods? I've noticed recently that I can pick any memory at random and attach a state of mind to it, one that describes a period of my life instantly.
At the moment, my overall mood is one of hope, happiness and new beginnings, and it's a wonderful, if unusual, feeling. I don't recall feeling this enthusiastic about life for at least a decade - since I was at university and making trouble with Best Mate, by my reckoning. The last memory I have of feeling this positive involves dancing with her in our favourite club, both smiling, radiant and young.
That mood is back. I'm discovering interests I didn't realise I had, finding new confidence in who I am and who I'm becoming, taking enjoyment from every single day and feeling more zest and hunger for life than I ever have before.
I'm appreciating every experience, right down to the little things. As I walked through Leicester Square to meet Lorna this evening, I realised I was smiling to see the crowds, enjoying being a part of the buzz rather than dodging the pesky tourists with a scowl and a rise in blood pressure. On the train I was jubilant, drinking in the sunshine and the scenery rather than angrily looking at my watch.
When I'm asked if I like, want, can do or am interested in something, these days I find myself saying yes with hardly a second thought, consumed by an eager willingness to expand my horizons.
Tonight we went to the National Portrait Gallery to see the BP Portrait Awards and, though I've never before felt any particular hunger to immerse myself in art, I found myself mesmerised by the paintings and loving every moment. The two here were my favourites from a mind-blowing collection.We had drinks in the pub afterwards and I had to be incredibly strict with my time-keeping to make sure I got a good night's sleep, so much was I enjoying the conversation. Especially the part where we made plans to go on a flying tour of the US for my 30th birthday - 5 days shopping and hitting the trendy bars in NYC, a few days star-spotting in LA and then driving down to Las Vegas to let Vici show us a good time, something I've been promising to do all year. There are no words for my excitement levels.
Perhaps it's because I've just written a chapter of the book I've been commissioned called 'The Value of Now'. Perhaps it's because I'm liking the sunshine for once. Some of you have a very good idea what the other likely reason is. But, whatever the explanation, I can't seem to cram my days full enough of interesting experiences and I would willingly exist on this high for the rest of my days.
Can I bottle you and put a dash in with my morning coffee? :DDD
Oh and birthday trip! Let me know The When and perhaps I'll be able to meet up with you in LA!
Oooh! I'd so meet up with you in L.A. too!
WC, you made me smile with your enthusiasm. Everyone could do with a shot of what you've given. Life IS good. <3
Ughhhh you're forgetting the Windy City! CHICAGO! Forget LA. Just do NY, Chicago, and Nevada. Vici should take you to the grand canyon.
Like I said. CHICAGO!
Yay! I'm glad you are seriously planning this trip! Amanda is right I have to take you to the Grand Canyon...it's amazing. And I wanna go to LA too so stop here and get me first. I know my way around there pretty good since we go there a lot cause that's where Jason is from. You can also do lots of celeb spotting here ya know. Vegas is like LA part deux
I am so excited about our trip!
I had a great time last night and also went home in a warm fuzzy buzz. I only had one drink so it wasn't that. It is all good all good. Except I thought all the paintings were crap, NOT! I was inspired by them and as well as your lovely self and almost took a sicky so that I could paint all day. But I didn't because I am a grown up now apparently.
I think it's because you're high!
@ Tim: Me or Sarah? If it's me, that's a given dude!
Yay! *does a happy dance*
You lucky cow.
I'm waiting for my mood swing to fling up there with you.
Ahhh, gorgeous days... Now which of the million clubs we frequented is our favourite? Let's try them all again! To the time machine!
I wish...
Glad you're feeling so positive - it is genuinely heartwarmingly lovely. XXX
@Queenkellee - Sure, but christ knows what I'd taste of! Mid-February for the trip, we'll be finalising dates shortly :D
@Trinity - Totally have to come sink some beer with you too!!
@Amanda - My grasp of US geography is slim, but even I know that's not on my way :P
@Vicious - Planning extravaganza required!
@W*P*D - same goes for you, many many planning extravaganzi! Glad you went home all inspired though, I would have too if I were capable of more than finger painting.
@Tim - It's orange drink powder, it is NOT sniffable dude.
@Bettye - YAY another happy person!
@IDV - We could put you on some sort of device and twang you into a tree?
@Sylvie - Rococo, of course! In the corner, by the bar, you had on that strappy dark top with the red flowers and I was flouncing in my sparkly silver dress!
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