Saturday 21 June 2008

Whispering Falls

Second Life hasn't been the same for WillowZ and I for a long time now. Back in the day, when there were far fewer of us populating the virtual planet and those who had already popped into existence roamed in happy, loyal herds, things were much simpler. The sl00ts were always there waiting when we logged in, ready to have nonsensical fun and look pretty in a pack.

But, as with all things, the novelty wore off and, one by one, they all slipped away. Until finally there were just the two of us, two sad and neglected Willows, a little lonely and slightly bemused.

In the end, even we succumbed to the inevitable. The second version of our lives was no longer as interesting as the first, so gradually we gave up trying to recreate the good times and spent less and less time in pixel form.

Eventually, Second Life turned into a workplace, something that provided blogging and article opportunities and the odd spot of shopping. It wasn't enough - the time I've spent inworld over the last year that hasn't involved something 'official' would barely add up to a couple of evenings.

That was a while ago, and since then there have been plenty of high points, and lots of good friends and happy times, but nothing like as much everyday, unplanned fun as the early days.

So WillowZ and I have bought some land, just for us, in a little island sim called Whispering Falls. Within half an hour, Fred and Hallie had joined us, and that was 4 of the sl00ts back together right there.

It's going to need a lot of work to make it as pretty as we want it to be, but it's already looking gorgeous with its Straylight landscaping. We're a bit on the lazy side, I'm completely useless and we may get sidetracked by fluffy toys and chicken dances, but at last we have a haven, for new friends and old. And a unicorn...obviously.


HeatherFev21 said...


I miss the old days SO bad, I still see Cani once in a while, and I try and see Arbers when I can, but our timezones keep us apart DAMN THEM, but the sloots really did all poof and it made me an incredibly sad bunneh.

Hopefully with our lovely new little piece of heaven, we can tempt ppl back with promises of ponks, cacks and the occasional snorting and peeing ourselves with laughter, much like back in the old day, when it was all play and no work and 110% times more fun.

Here are to those days, and hopefully the return of them!


Unknown said...

I am excited for you and your unicorn!! I hope this helps you get some of the wonder back!

Amanda said...

The let down of sl couldn't be put any better.

I never really knew how to put into words all I missed. But when you said "loyal herds" and the random fun we had, I realized that was it.

I never logged onto the sl website to see if anyone worth while was on, because I didn't need to! I always knew someone I could have fun with was on. Now I'm afraid to waste my time logging on and not finding anyone on. I had forgotten Willowz's witty comments, and of course you're replies. But luckily I've been reminded that you both still banter back and forth and Fred still dosn't make any sense. You're land is already making sl better.

HeatherFev21 said...

Don't forget the squash and noodles!!!

Amanda said...


that makes my day every time!

Anonymous said...

Time is an interesting element. Worlds and people together evolve and sometimes this evolution leads to places that feel quite bare.

I'm not on SL a great deal either these days, but I do peer in to see what the microcosm is doing with itself.

Its still full of trees and avatars and AOs and virtual fare.

Don't lament :)

Who knows what will happen.