I took a break from my recent clean-living regime this weekend in honour of two very important things: meeting up with the guys and gals from Twitter/SL and a day of raucous fun with Best Mate.
The first of those involved spending an evening in Wagamamas and Oxygen in Leicester Square with Loaf, Roxette, Johan and Loudmouthman.
Now I'm a bit of a heathen with Japanese food, so I spent most of the week whining at poor Loaf that I didn't understand the menu. His attempts to introduce me to sake also went down like a suspiciously regarded lead balloon.
But I did give it all a go, and in future will be haunting the local Wagamama branches just for the ginger and white choclit cheesecake. Proving I am nothing if not an adventurous ignoramus. And that Loaf was right. But we won't tell him that bit.
Oxygen was its usual cornocopia of cocktails and, three or four jugs of them later, tongues were loose and much gossip was exchanged. Plus I think I managed to spill at least three colours of alcoholic concoction down myself... and probably other people. I still blame the straws, they give you an awful lot of straws.
Anyway, it was marvellous to meet everyone I spend all day talking to when I'm supposed to be working, I had a fab time and I can't wait for the next one, though I have already decided I will be bringing more tissues.
Yesterday began with the Sex and the City movie, which Best Mate and I have been looking forward to forever and a day as we used to watch the episodes back at university and harbour secret wishes to join the cast.
It was fantastic, I wasn't expecting it to be such an emotional experience - much sorting out of the eyeliner was required afterwards. We also had to refrain from talking about it because, every time we did, Best Mate burst into tears, especially at a particular scene where Samantha spoonfeeds a devestated Carrie, because that's something we would do. Cuz we wubs each other <3>
The rest of the evening was spent guzzling wine in the pub, scoffing pizza, wittering endlessly, being drunken at the Twitter party on SL (sorry everyone!) and having a girly moment with some black eyeshadow, hair grips and a handy camera.
Best Mate is my secret personal stylist and I was rather in love with the result of her ridiculously talented tinkerings, explaining why I have liberally plastered this post with pictures of it. Vanity, thy name is kirby grip.