Saturday 22 March 2008

Spanky the Beautiful Computer

I speak to you this evening from a brand spanking new computer that I have named, aptly I feel, Spanky*. It was part birthday present from DaddyC (MummyC is still breathing into a paper bag), part necessity - my old beast had reached a stage at which even opening Word seemed a bit much for it.

Enter Spanky, a glorious creature, all shiny and new and so pretty I want to cry. Here are its specs, for the techy among you.

After a false start, during which Vista looked scornfully at my gypo old modem and informed me that it thought not, and a delightful delay in Coffee Republic, introducing Tim to hot drinks that are essentially Toffee Crisps melted in syrup with a pile of cream on top, I have rearranged my entire flat and got it up and running. And I am in love.

I will now be much more fun to go SL shopping with, which should please everyone who has ever tutted their way through a 3-hour session of me crashing, swearing, waiting 25 minutes to exit, reappearing, freezing, not moving, whining, crashing, rinsing and repeating.

Is it wrong to caress hardware lovingly?

*Flopsticks may at this juncture feel it necessary to point out that I already used that name for my horse in World of Warcraft. I can really say nothing in my defence except that I'm not all that imaginative with names and feel it suits both admirably. Also Kitty made me do it.


Tim said...

In hindsight, the sticky toffee coffee was a little disappointing; the melted toffee crisp* ultimately descended to the lower part of the beverage, leaving me feeling a little bit like a basking shark straining plankton through my teeth with every mouthful.

Next time I'm going for the Rolo one. I suspect that will melt a bit better.

*Oops! Almost wrote Toffee Crip there!

WillowC said...

Dude that's whales.

And next time we're totally having Jammy Dodg-a-cinos!

Anonymous said...

Oh Nice ;) If I wasn't getting a system built for me, I would have bought something like that.

-Portia <3

Amanda said...

:O I'm jealous!

I'm home and we need to go on SL at the same timeeee!

Kitty Lalonde said...

I made you do NUTTIN! You just used up all your imagination on naming your cats and that otter thing.

But yes Spanky does look very sexy and I'd caress his hardware anyday, stroking my fingers up against his thick.. ram.

*coughs and hides*

Anonymous said...

It looks lurrrrvverly! Don't worry about flopsticks, he names all his characters with an anagram of the same word, as I'm sure you noticed! xxx

Tim said...

I prefer basking shark because it sounds more exciting:

WillowC said...

Amanda: I'll be on tonight from about 1pm SLT doing the big Easter hunt, come join ussssssssssss!

Portia: Lucky!

Kitty: You totally did. And quit flirting with Spanky, he's MINE. I'll let you off for pretending you don't love my platypus.

Laura: Yes that's true, he's in absolutely no position to talk!

Tim: That picture does NOT look harmless. Me no likey :(

Kitty Lalonde said...

Can I just be completely anal for a second and stick up for Tim and his curious basking shark fetish, they're big buggers but totally harmless and eat crap like whales. We get em just down the coast from us and everyone goes leaping excitedly into the sea to play with them.

*end analness*

WillowC said...

My blog: entertaining AND educational.

I maintain that they still *look* scary.

Amanda said...

ugh but I'll be at my relatives house by then! DUMB!

Inexplicable DeVice said...

I need a new pooter. The wind up handle on mine has snapped off and cogs keep dropping out of it.

Anonymous said...

Flopsticks feels it necessary to point out that due to willow's lack of Warcrafting, a very neglected 'Spanky the first' has changed his name to KnightMare* and has begun a lone crusade through Azeroth, helping struggling Murloc communities and the like, in a Littlest Hobo style.
*I made a pun!

HeatherFev21 said...

I *LOVE* the Littlest Hobo!!!!!

Spanky looks fab, now, make Simon make ME a Spanky, I want my 54 graphics cards to shove up SL's arse!

Tim said...

Thanks Kitty Lolande - what impressive knowledge of the Basking Shark! I'm officially branding you the one and only shark expert I've ever come into contact with.

Despite their relatively veggie ways, I'm not sure I like the idea of playing with Basking Sharks. I bet they're awesome at water volley ball.

Tenebrous said...

Is *everything* called 'Spanky' ?