Thursday 5 July 2007

God-almighty great cock-up

Well, I had an interview for a rather cushy editorial role with one of the world's best-selling magazines yesterday and what a tits-up job I did of it.

I was perfectly calm and collected until 11am, when my agent emailed to say "Oh by the way, I told you that you'd need to write an article for them, right?" No! No she did not tell me! Nor did she tell me I needed to take some example work, which fair enough anyone organised would already have thought of, but I am not organised.

Second cock-up was when my Tube train got stuck in the tunnel for half an hour, which put me right on the edge of my allocated cock-up time and also got my hackles well and truly up because I was stuck with an entire carriage-load of school children on a trip. And what do carriage-loads of school children on a trip do? They make an almighty great carriage-load of a racket.

So finally I reach Canary Wharf and, brow furrowed, beetle off in search of the building. In the wrong direction. Thank you, Mr Security Guard, karma will be a'knocking shortly -.-

All of which nonsense put me in quite the wrong frame of mind for being questioned about the relative merits of pick-up articles vs editorial washes. So, ladies and gents, I will not be holding my breath for a phone call any time soon.


Amanda said...

sounds like you need to sit on the couch and watch some eddie izzard for awhile. Also drink some tea. AND you were right. He was dressed in some oriental costume and talked of squirrels for a bit. I liked that talk.

WillowC said...

Yep, that's Dress To Kill, I love that one!