Tuesday 15 April 2008

The Top 3 Peculiar Jobs

Tie's response to my meme from the other day, in which she describes one of the oddest jobs I ever did hear of, got me thinking - in very strange ways, unsurprisingly. As a result, I have decided to present to you my Top 3 Peculiar Jobs, in ascending order:

3. Quoted from Tie's post: Selling catfood by cold calling - Mmmm that one was fun, though amazingly over the course of several months at least three people actually bought some.

2. My ex briefly took a job during his student days that involved pouring vats of poo down a hole. I don't actually wish he'd fallen in, but knowing he once came very close secretly pleases me.

1. My friend Tom had a similarly student-fuelled task of chicken sexing. Not as in "worrying" the chickens, as in blowing on their nethers and sorting them according to gender.

So what's the strangest job you've ever had? Can you top these stunning examples?


Anonymous said...

The first job I had after finishing art school was pretty weird. You know the people that give out little samples of food in supermarkets? Well I was employed to *draw* them. What? Yeah that was what I was thinking. And no, I do not know why or what for. It paid ok but I left when the owner's kid ate my magic markers and got sick everywhere.

WillowC said...

Hang on, were you painting the samples or the people handing them out? That really IS weird!

Tiernan Serpentine said...

I think cold calling to sell cat food is a very sensible job. Not like some of those weird drawing people handing out samples type jobs.

WillowC said...

She'd have come and drawn you, but you were charging for your wares.

Anonymous said...

Yip, the people not the food. Very odd. Scarred for life. Those supermarket sample hawkers send me running and screaming now.
Tiernan Serpentine: Did you finish the call if the people didn't have a cat?
At least I could give the people superhero outfits when I felt like it, and I did, often.

Anonymous said...

Yip, the people not the food. Very odd. Scarred for life. I run screaming from those supermarket sample hawkers now.
Tiernan Serpentine: Did you finish the call if the people didn't have a cat?
At least I could give the people superhero outfits when I felt like it, and I did, often.

Anonymous said...

Seem to be repeating myself... blog site needs a lie down...

Tiernan Serpentine said...

Oh no, it was strictly against policy to let them get away on technicalities like not having a cat, we did special foil wrapped kittens for the feline challenged.

Actually that's all a complete lie and the calls were only made to shops, though the sheer tedium was alleviated by making frequent prank calls.