Saturday 12 April 2008

Fickle the Elf

I think I can be forgiven my latest bout of fickledom, because a foray into Middle Earth is hardly a transgression that will surprise anyone. And, though I do have slight pangs of guilt for neglecting Spanky the Horse in World of Warcraft, I have now pledged my allegiance to Lord of the Rings Online.

Here is a snapshot of my Middle Earth holiday, for which Gandalf was kind enough to pose with me. The game is much like WoW except the graphics are phenomenal, the people are an awful lot friendlier, there's an epic storyline that runs concurrently with the plot we all know and love and I get to drool on Aragorn's toes. Oh and there are no Horde eejits to follow me around endlessly thwacking me. It's admirably entertaining, though I am displeased to report that Aragorn looks nothing like Viggo Mortensen.

As Russell Brand might say: nice to be an elf, 'citing.

p.s. Also big thanks to my Internet Guru, WillowZ, for once again preventing a flap and panic and helping me sort out what seemed impossible.


HeatherFev21 said...

I rulez teh internetz!

Ok, not quite but YAY!!

I hate games like this, as you well know, but i'm really enjoying myself for the hour or so I spend on it "relaxing"... I might level up slower than EVERY other fscker cos of it, but ho hum, I don't mind the running in this one, cos it's PRETTY!

I'm sure my attention span will wane soon, but not before I get a horse, a house and a mantoy.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you called a horse Spanky!

WillowC said...

Is it better or worse than calling my computer Spanky?

Mabel Morris-Minor said...

better! i have a friend that i call spanky, you probly dont want to know the rest of that story tho ;o)

WillowC said...

Oh I think you'll find we do!