Wednesday 21 November 2007

I am not organised: Part 2

I am ashamed yet truthful. My post about being disorganised clearly heralded events that were soon to pass...

Once in a while I do an Internet grocery shop, because not having a car and residing at the top of a very big hill means I have problems lugging my heavy ingredients home. So, in the interests of stocking up on potatoes and cans of beans, I sometimes allow Mr Sainsbury to bring his wares to my door.

This time I ordered ingredients for the following meals, and the following meals only (pay close attention here):

1. Chicken curry
2. Chicken stew
3. Chicken with white wine and cream sauce
4. Peppers stuffed with mini pasta.

My order arrived and I merrily unpacked it, happily anticipating the near culinary future. Only to discover that, in my blondest moment ever, I forgot to order two things.

Chicken and mini pasta.

I have nothing to say for myself.

Not long after, I described my harrowing ordeal to Laura, who very sweetly commiserated and didn't once call me a spanner. Well, not until the moment I leaped happily from my chair and scampered off to retrieve something from the kitchen cupboard...

Laura Leandros: so let me get this straight, you forgot all the key components for actual dinners, but it's ok cos you DID remember Nesquik Magic Straws?

I said it then and I will say it again: I would dearly love to be able to correct her, but sadly that is exactly the case.


Anonymous said...

yes, these are merely symptoms. the true utterly desperate cry for help must surely come soon. nip it in the bud. i prescribe ten minutes disciplined organizing of your inventory every day.

Anonymous said...

Who needs chicken for chicken recipes. I support you. I find your shop style very avant guarde. Never underestimate the power of the Willow imagination.

I'd gladly sip pretend tea while enjoy a not-so-chicken dish with you in the wiley corners of our absent minds xo.


WillowC said...

I think I must give in and accept your prescription Encore. Otherwise what will be next? It's a slippery slope to homelessness and destitution, that's what it is, and all because I can't keep my dresses in the right order.

Alternatively, I could jump down the rabbithole with you, Syssy, and give up on sensible plans altogether...hmmmmmmm....

Tim said...


WillowC said...

Yeah :(

HeatherFev21 said...

This won't happen when you come and live in your sister flat(garage >.>) as I buy far too much food and never end up eating it, YOU WILL LIVE LIKE A QUEEN, all at the expense of Simon :D

WillowC said...

So, effectively, I'm to act as a waste disposal unit? Sweet!

HeatherFev21 said...

Yes, but if you get jammed, don't expect me to shove my arm down your throat to sort you out, i've seen people lose limbs like that!

I must point out, I have seen limbs lost through people putting their hands down waste disposal thingers (American contraptions... *insert rolly eye icon*) NOT, I repeat NOT down Sarah's throat, we've never been that drunk... YET.

WillowC said...

I will work much better than one of those, just you wait and see.