Tuesday 13 November 2007

Candy Kisses

I was idling around the Second Life grid yesterday, not really doing much of anything, when the wonderful, yet devious, Sysperia grabbed me with a walking stick round the neck and dragged me to her lair.

She does that.

Her intentions were almost pure - this time - as she was putting together a calendar of naked and near-naked wonderfulness to give to her friends and customers as a Christmas gift. And this was the result of my avatar's shoot, in all it's candy-coated, sugary pink, feathery glory!

I will now proceed to use it everywhere, for everything, always and forever. Oh yes I will.

And yes that is a nipple and if that doesn't entice Marcus to come and read my blog, I don't know what will.


Inexplicable DeVice said...

Being somewhat curious, I visited that Second Life thing you're talking about. What the devil is it?

And what is The Pendulum Of Sagely Refinement?

And I thought unliving on the Cusp was peculiar...

WillowC said...

It's an online world - you'd like it! You could have as many of you in there as you liked, all at once, and we could even find you some spangly green shorts!

I have absolutely no idea what the pendulum thingy is though. Cripes.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

More of me?


Four's more than enough!

HeatherFev21 said...

Don't try and make poor unsuspecting people join SL! THAT IS JUST CRUEL.

You can buy nipple attachments that squirt milk, I DARE YOU.

WillowC said...
