Saturday 9 June 2007

The beginning of the end

My new blog banner incorporates a piece of original artwork by Graham Miller, designer and illustrator of unparalleled talent with whom I have worked for the last five and a half years.

Our company, Summertime Ltd, is no longer. The incredible group of people I've had the privilege of working with all this time will soon be separated.

This won't be our first redundancy scare, I only wish it wasn't our last. During that time we've learned each other's strengths and weaknesses, seen each other at best and worst, laughed and cried and grumbled and slowly become a unique team.

I'm facing unemployment and all the associated financial panics, but the only thing worrying me is what it's going to be like not to work with them all any more. I can't imagine finding the magic elsewhere. I will really miss them all.

But anyway: I've added a link to Graham and Tim's collaborative graphic novel, with which I was jaw-droppingly impressed when I first saw it.

You know how, if someone asked you to name the people you were closest to in the world, you'd forget to put your family down, because in your mind it should be taken for granted? That's the same sort of principle Graham's art works on, for me: I assume he can do anything, and he has yet to let me down.

I'm not sure how you can get hold of him - I've sat 3 feet from him all this time, I've never had to try! - but if you'd like to see more, give me a shout and I'll flail at him till he pays attention.

Oh, and if you're in the market for a ready-formed 8-person magazine editorial team, I've got one handy...

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