This artwork is Sysperia's impression of my avatar (and thus of me). For those who don't know the term, this is my virtual representation. I am privileged to have been included in her Most Beautiful collection, the idea of which is that beauty contests in Second Life are meaningless without including and evaluating a person's heart and mind alongside their (virtual) looks.
Avatars are soul-less creatures who tend to stare blankly into the middle distance, but in this image my eyes are deep and swimming, with all the weight of the world and the knowledge that is my burden.
I cannot make up for not having found enough time, I can't wish back the conversations we should have had, but I can do this one thing: tell everyone else what I already know.
As a daisy flourishes among thousands of blades of grass, so Sysperia Poppy rises above those around her - in every way. But especially within her art, and as a friend.
Syssy, I'm so sorry.
If anyone reading this would enjoy a window into their own soul, or even just to see or ask for some beautiful artwork with tough themes, please let me know or visit Syssy's gallery.
youve never...not once, been a bad friend
You know, this is far too poetic for my stupid head to understand, but I do get that sometimes, we don't have enough time for people as we should, but sadly it's the way of the world.
Which is why, I now don't beat myself up if I don't have time to talk to people I cherish (because of timezones), I just leave them lil notes to let them know i'm thinking about them.
Everyone else, I bug to death :D
Pointless ramble, but hey, i'm on a sugar high \o/ lucozade!
Not bad, perhaps, but certainly absent at the wrong times! Love you too sunflower <3
And yes, you're quite right sis, and it's been impossible even to draw breath these last few weeks, which is why I've got the odd one or two things to make up for!!
My grandmother always told me, with her infinite wisdom...Whenever you feel harried or troubled, just remember, ceiling cat is watching you masturbate.
What a gem.
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