Tuesday 18 September 2007

Neville the Fox

After making a huge fuss and bother about my phone not letting me download photos to my computer, I discovered this evening that I was, in fact, completely wrong. Poor little mite is more than happy to let me do as I like...so I have.

And here, for your amusement and pleasure, is a picture of Neville, my fox friend. He resides in our garden and is fond of ham, but not of loud noises. He is very pleased to meet you, I'm sure.

Not a word about the fact you can barely see him, it's a scenic shot. And I haven't worked out how to use the zoom properly - give me another few months for that. About the time I upgrade the phone, actually. Fun fun!


Tim said...

It looks like you shot him. Fox killer!

WillowC said...

Why does everyone think he's dead?? He's not dead, he's basking!

Tim said...

You shot him.

You're a total bitch!

HeatherFev21 said...

That ham you gave him was clearly off, how evil :(

WillowC said...

What do you expect? I'm a total bitch!